Split, shelled peanuts for wild birds at outdoor feeders
Compatible with tube bird feeders, wire mesh bird feeders, hopper bird feeders, and open-tray platform bird feeders
Bird food is edible all year with no waste since it has high protein and fat.
Attracts wild songbirds like bluebirds, buntings, chickadees, flickers, grosbeaks, house finches, jays, nuthatches, titmice, towhees, woodpeckers, and more
Also enjoyed by chipmunks and squirrels
Peanut Pieces Wild Bird Seed - No Waste - 15 lb bag - Attracts Variety of Birds
Split, shelled peanuts for wild birds at outdoor feeders
Compatible with tube bird feeders, wire mesh bird feeders, hopper bird feeders, and open-tray platform bird feeders
Bird food is edible all year with no waste since it has high protein and fat.
Attracts wild songbirds like bluebirds, buntings, chickadees, flickers, grosbeaks, house finches, jays, nuthatches, titmice, towhees, woodpeckers, and more